Read Up On Our Environmental Policies

London Stone is committed to conducting our business activities in a way that minimises our impact on the environment locally and in the source countries of our international partners. We will comply with, or exceed applicable environmental regulations and standards in the United Kingdom and support our international partners in their efforts to do the same in the countries in which they operate. The conservation of our planet and valuable resources is the responsibility of all and we will strive to continually improve our environmental performance.

Environmental Commitments

  • We will continually review all activities to remove waste through our LEAN operating model and reduce fuel, electricity and water consumption

    In April 2019 we adopted the lean operating model, and have since empowered team members to make thousands of improvements to processes throughout the business

  • We will recycle wood internally by converting to heat energy using bio-mass combustion technology

    Our Biomass burners are used to heat our factory and dry stone prior to the pre-sealing process avoiding approx. 36,000kg CO2 per annum

  • We will reduce material sent to landfill sites by ensuring all recyclables enter the appropriate waste system

    We have an established culture of recycling at all our sites and are currently able to recycle paper, card, certain plastics, timber, stone waste and electrical items

  • We will support all suppliers and partners to conduct their business in-line with our environmental commitments

    New suppliers will be vetted prior to commencing trading with London Stone and existing suppliers will be supported in their efforts to reduce their environmental impact

London Stone operates under a lean business philosophy which enables waste to be reduced across the business

Delivering Our Commitments

Our environmental commitments are embedded into our culture at every level and considered by the senior leadership team and department managers in all planning and decision making.

All employees are trained on our environmental policy when they join the company and are expected to comply, engage with, and promote our environmental commitments. Our commitment to improving the environment is written into all employee job descriptions and forms part of ongoing professional development.

London Stone's operations and buying teams visiting one of our suppliers to better understand how mutual support and knowledge sharing can reduce environmental impact

We will engage with suppliers, service providers and stakeholders in a co-operative spirit to ensure our environmental commitments are fulfilled throughout our value chain and at any point we interact with the natural or built environment.

Our environmental programme is lead by fulfilment director and a founder of London Stone, Gavin Walley

Corporate Responsibility

Prospective suppliers and service providers will be required to demonstrate they are operating in compliance with our environmental policy before commencement of trade.

The board of directors are responsible for delivering our environmental commitments. Our performance will be monitored using quantifiable metrics and the results made available to all stake holders in an annual statement.

Find our FAQs on the environment

We have put together a list of common questions that our customers ask us about the environment and our approach to reducing our carbon footprint.

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