WhatsApp Message Us

Contact our different departments by WhatsApp message to get quick answers or pass on simple instructions to us.

Download London Stone Chat and directly message our Sales, Transport, and Production departments.

Please note this is a chat only service; we are unable to take calls. Please contact us on the phone numbers below if you wish to speak to us.

London Stone Chat

Android Instructions

  1. Open www.londonstone.co.uk/chat/ in your mobile browser.
  2. At the top-right of your screen, tap the 3 vertical dots icon.
  3. Tap 'Add to Home Screen'.
  4. Tap 'Add'.

Apple Instructions

  1. Open www.londonstone.co.uk/chat/ in your mobile browser.
  2. Tap the download arrow at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Tap 'Add to Home Screen'.
  4. Tap 'Add'.

Contact Our Sales Team

Contact our Sales Team to obtain a quotation, place or amend an order, or to enquire about a return or refund.

Contact Our Transport Team

Contact our Transport Team to obtain information about deliveries. Please note this team cannot place orders, arrange returns, or process refunds.

Contact our Production Team

Contact our Production Team to obtain up-to-date information about your bespoke orders and our current lead-times. Please note this team cannot place orders, arrange returns or process refunds.

London Stone Locations

Showrooms, distribution centres, factory or partners. Browse our 11 UK locations right here.